Regulatory Compliance Review and Accreditation Service

Companies attending our Regulatory & Compliance course have often asked for assistance in taking the necessary action to check or achieve compliance with the relevant industry regulation whilst being able to demonstrate to their customers (and others) that they are compliant with all the industry rules and regulations.

In response to this, we have teamed up with FCS, the industry trade association, to develop a service which enables CPs to check their key documentation and go on to gain a formal accreditation endorsed by both Train to and FCS.

About the course:

Why do I need to comply?

Ofcom has powers to fine CPs who do not comply with the General Conditions and the Communications Act – and this can be as much as 10% of a company’s turnover. There have been a number of high profile investigations recently resulting in fines of up to £1 million. Compliance with industry regulation and best practice will also generally provide a better customer experience with higher levels of satisfaction and less complaints and disputes.

At Train to we offer a simple route to becoming accredited.

Step 1 - Initial review

We offer a simple review of your existing documentation and provide you with a report, highlighting any areas of non-compliance together with recommendations on corrective action.

The TTW service includes a detailed review of documents in the following key areas:

  • Sales & Marketing
  • Customer Switching
  • Customer Contracts
  • In-Life Service Provision
  • Billing
  • Codes of Practice & Complaint
  • Handling

Step 2 – Becoming Compliant

Train to offers a service providing advice and assistance in the completion of non-compliant documents and procedures. We provide template documents in key areas, including:

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Gaining and losing letters
  • Codes of Practice
  • Internal audit report formats

Step 3 – Accreditation

On successful completion of step 2, we will provide a formal industry recognised accreditation and certificate confirming you are compliant. This last for 2 years.

In between audits, Train to and FCS will also issue updates on changes to regulation during the period of the accreditation.